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Sunday, 11/12/2017 9:12 AM
  I have no idea who Tim Powers is. But this sounds like the perfect books signing. Very cool.
Sunday, 11/12/2017 9:14 AM
  BTW, I know we have talked about this before, and I know you have a million of excuses for why you don't have time or can't, but I still think you should write a book, or a collection of short stories, or anything creative.
Sunday, 11/12/2017 5:23 PM
  You should come to the next signing. The authors I am interested in seeing are few and far between, but I'll let you know when I plan to go to another signing to see if you want to come check it out.

I start creative endeavors all the time. I'm just not real great at finishing anything. As for writing stuff, I've started a few short stories, but have lost interest before reaching the end. If you want to torture your brain, I'll try to find one and send it to you to see why I shouldn't express myself any more creatively than I already do. Speaking of expressing my creativity, did you ever try my - also unfinished - text-based game that I mentioned here a long time ago?


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